The adventures of a little sailor

just a short white girl who has a serious case of the travel bug!

Location: Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I leave tomorrow

The day is drawing ever nearer. It is bnow tomorrow that I will disembark from my amazing adventure onboard the Worlds oldest ocean going passenger liner! It has been an amzing year in which i have grown and learnt so much. It is now time to say goodbye to many,many dear friends and to move on to the next step of my life.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

one very burnt knee!

i have just come back from a three day, two night overnight in South korea. It was a fantastic experience and let me see som eof the beauty of korea. We went to a small island just off the mainland and stayed in a church that overlooked 120 houses in a village.
We were involved in a childrens summer camp for 3 days. It was a real blessing to work with these children, many of whom came from broken homes. We spent time teaching them about Jesus and his love for them. We used the wordless book and got them to make their own. They loved it. We also spent some time playing with them and teaching them to swim at the beach. hence the very burnt 1 knee. not quite sure how I managed that - i still have my dippy side!
We ate amazing Korean food and generally had a very good time. Although the schedule was very packed we had time to enjoy fellowship with each other as a team and with the chundosaneem (pastor).
When we came to leave there were tears all round. The pastor said we had brought soem light into the village and that he was going to feel empty when we left. it is amazing th eimpact you can have in just a few days. i thank God for each and every one of those children who although we couldnt commuicate showed us so much love. i hope we showed them some of Gods love. They just needed the attention and love so much.
The overnight also gave me some time to talk to my cabninmate Mieke. She is one of my closest friends onboard so it was really nice to have this oppurtunity to do ministry together, and to get to know each other even better.
I will be home in 2 weeks so see you all soon!