The adventures of a little sailor

just a short white girl who has a serious case of the travel bug!

Location: Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

home sweet home

ok i was just reminded by some nice person on the ship that i really should update this.
i have now been home for 6 and a half weeks and the time has sped by.
i spent a week away in wales relaxing with my family and the sheep. it was really nice to spend some quality time with my family after not really seeing them for a year. it also gave me a chance to adjust back to english culture after my year away. although i had been warned about culture shock it was the small things that took me by surprise. i was waiting outside heathrow airport when the pedestrain crossing went off and it sounded so weird. a sound that had been perfectly normal to my ears a year before now sounded so completely alien.
i then had a month at home. this was a great time to catch up with old friends and more family. I spent time with school friends and was able to catch up on their lives and eperiences over the lst year, as well as being able to tell them about the amazing year i had just had.
Church was an amazing environment to go back into. i felt so welcomed back and people were genuinely interested in my year, i had the oppurtunity to do a service along with my dad about the year. this was an amzing oppurtunity to really share alot of what happened to me personally and to say thank you to the people in the church who supported me so faithfully.
I am now at uni and have been here for a week and a half. it is so different to everything i knew on the ship. although i am living in halls and there fore living in community it is almost the exact opposite to that of the ship. this has provided me with my biggest re entry struggles. freshers week tends to consist of drink, drink and more drink. it is so hard to stand up for what i believe sometimes without being judged. but i have managed to find a good group of friends within my halls and within my medic course.
please pray that i cn be a good witness and just accepted for all my what may appear radical beliefs.